Annual CommunicatorSilberEvonikfolioPrint - Corporate Communication . Design Features- Overall Design4
Annual CommunicatorSilberEvonikMicorsite - Running SmoothlyMagazines - Overall Presentation - Customer4
Annual CommunicatorSilberEvonikMicorsite - elementsWeb | Intranet4
Annual CommunicatorGoldEvonikelementsWebsites - General-Corporate Communication6
Annual CommunicatorSilberEvonikelementsPrint - Corporate Communication . Design Features- Overall Design4
Annual CommunicatorGoldEvonikfolioEmployee Publication-Magazine6
Annual CommunicatorGoldEvonikelementsPublic Relations / Communications-Public Relations / Communications6
Annual CommunicatorSilberEvonikMicorsite - Layer by LayerWeb | E-Newsletter, Newspaper and Magazines4
ARC AwardsBronze EvonikSustainability Report 2018 - Creating the future is our businessPDF Version of Annual Report: Sustainability Report: Americas & Europe2
Astrid AwardsGoldEvonikelementsMagazines - Customer12
Astrid AwardsBronze EvonikelementsWebsites - Customer Magazines4
BCM - Best of Content MarketingSilberSignal IdunaMitmachen macht's - interne RekrutierungskampagneInternal - Multichannel20
BCM - Best of Content MarketingSilberEvonikWie Medikamente in den Köper kommenCraft Infografik20
Galaxy AwardsSilberEvonikWebspecial 3D-Druck - Layer by LayerWebsites - Corporate Web Sites8
iNOVA AwardsGrand PrixEvonikSmile, Please! Colorpaste for clean teethEmployee Communications8
iNOVA AwardsGrand PrixEvonikelementsDigital Magazines8
iNOVA AwardsBronze EvonikWell Upholstered: Plastic from te HPPO ProcessEmployee Communications2
iNOVA AwardsGoldEvonikSmile, Please! Colorpaste for clean teethEmployee Communications6
iNOVA AwardsSilberEvonikEvonik todayIntranet4
iNOVA AwardsSilberEvonikCreating the future is our businessSustainability Report4
iNOVA AwardsGoldEvonikelementsDigital Magazines6
International Corporate Media Award icmaSilberEvonikelements1.7. Customer Magazines B2B online12
Mercury AwardsGrand PrixEvonikelementsMagazines - Overall Presentation16
Mercury AwardsGoldEvonikelementsMagazines - Overall Presentation - Customer12
Questar AwardsGoldEvonikelementsMobile Media - B2B9
Questar AwardsGoldEvonikelementsMobile Media - eMagazine9
Questar AwardsGoldEvonikevonik todayMobile Media - Employee Related9
Questar AwardsGoldEvonikLayer by LayerMobile Media - Miocrosite9
Questar AwardsGrand PrixEvonikLayer by LayerMobile Media12
Spotlight AwardsSilberEvonikfolio2019: Print-Based: Magazines2
Spotlight AwardsBronze Evonikelements Onlinemagazin2019: Digitally-Based: Other - Digital: Newsletter/Magazine1
Spotlight AwardsBronze EvonikEvonik today - Intranet2019: Digitally-Based: Websites1
Spotlight AwardsGoldEvonikSustainabilty Reports 20182019: Print-Based: Sustainabilty Reports3
Spotlight AwardsSilberEvonikWell Upholstered: Plastic from the HPPO Process - Webspecial2019: Digitally-Based: Websites2
Vision AwardsGoldEvonikSustainability Report 2018 - Creating the future is our business2018: Print: Alternative Reports: Equipment, Machinery & Instruments3
World Media FestivalGoldEvonikelementsWeb | E-Newsletter, Newspaper and Magazines18
World Media FestivalGoldEvonikfolioCorporate Print | Employee Orientated18
World Media FestivalSilberEvonikNeue SchichtarbeitWeb | Microsites12
World Media FestivalSilberEvonikevonik heuteWeb | Intranet12
Summe der Kreativpunkte: 302